Small animal species also require a lot of commitment when threatened by habitat loss, climate change and a deadly invasive fungus: There are only two known species of Darwin's frog, which are native to South America and only measure a few centimetres. One is considered lost and the other one is listed endangered. Zoo Leipzig has been committed to saving these rare frogs since 2005.


Our project

Project name

Research and breeding station at the University of Concepción

Supported speciesDarwin's frog
Core taskResearch on the animals and establishment of a reserve population protected from the chytrid fungus

Project description:

Zoo Leipzig has been running a breeding and research station together with the University of Concepción since 2009. The facility not only aims to better understand these endangered and unique animals and to establish a population shielded from the chytrid fungus, it will also lay the foundation for a future reinforcement and reintroduction project.


Impressions from the research and breeding station in Concepción

Our project

Project nameHolistic protection strategy for Darwin's frogs
Supported speciesDarwin's frog
Core taskImplementation of a conservation strategy, environmental education, research on chytrid fungus distribution and habitat protection.

Project description:

To be able to implement other aspects of the Chilean conservation strategy for Darwin's frogs in addition to the research and breeding station and thus take an integrated approach, we have also been supporting the education and research projects of the Ranita de Darwin organisation in Chile since 2018. For more information about our partner's work, please click here

Impressions from the project