Did you know?
Sunda gharials are among the largest of the crocodilians, reaching a maximum length of 5 to 6 metres. Before laying their eggs the females build mound nests out of earth and plant material, in which they deposit their eggs. As is the case for all crocodilians, the sex of the Sunda gharial is not genetically determined, but dependent on the temperature inside the mound nests.
Classification | Order crocodiles, family genuine crocodiles |
Diet | Predominantly fish, but also amphibians, reptiles, birds and smaller mammals |
Habitat | Lakes and rivers in swampland forests |
Reproduction | Egg deposition in nest hills; 20–60 eggs; incubation: 72–90 days; sexual maturity at 5–8 years; maximum age: above 70 years |
Status according to Red List
More information you will get on the web page of the IUCN Red List.