Did you know?

Koalas are tree dwellers and have excellent climbing skills. They feed almost exclusively on eucalyptus leaves. Because this food is hard to digest and is low in nutrients, koalas are rather inactive. They sleep or rest for a total of 18 to 20 hours per day, spending the rest of their time mostly eating (usually at dusk and at night).

European Endangered species Program

This animal is managed by the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA) under the European Endangered species Program.

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ClassificationOrder: diprotodonts; family: phascolarctidae (a family of marsupials), the only extant species in this family
DietExtremely specialized: Nearly exclusively the leaves of some 120 Eucalyptus species. About 20 of them can be considered the primary food source.
HabitatWet and dry sclerophyll forests
ReproductionSexually mature at 2 years; gestation period: ca. 34–36 days; A single offspring that leaves the mother´s pouch at 6 months and is carried on its mother´s back up to an age of 12 months.

Status according to Red List

More information you will get on the web page of the IUCN Red List.

Verbreitung Koala