Since 2021, Zoo Leipzig has been committed to the protection of the common hamster and, together with the Saxon State Ministry for Energy, Climate Protection, Environment and Agriculture, set up a breeding station in 2022. The "Ark for common hamsters" forms the basis for future reinforcement and reintroduction activities that aim to preserve and protect the common hamster in the cultural landscape in Saxony and Middle Germany.

Together with other partners in Saxony, Zoo Leipzig participates in the working group "Cooperative European hamster conservation in the Free State of Saxony" and contributes to a holistic conservation strategy for European hamsters with its breeding station and support measures for hamster populations.


ClassificationOrder: rodents (Rodentia); Family: cricetids (Cricetidae)
DietPrimarily seeds and grains like cereals, pulses or wild flower seeds, but also parts of plants, beets or potatoes. Sometimes they also feed on birds eggs, small vertebrates and invertebrates.
HabitatA typical inhabitant of steppes and cultivated landscapes. It used to find optimal habitats in the small-scale agricultural landscapes of Central Europe. It uses deep loess or clay soils away from groundwater to build its complex burrow systems.
ReproductionGestation period: 17-20 days, as many as 3 litters with up to 12 individuals (usually 6-8), which are weaned at 25-30 days.

Status according to Red List

More information you will get on the web page of the IUCN Red List.