Did you know?
The first individuals to be hunted of this species (discovered in 1907) were prepared by taxidermists
reflecting the fashion of that time with Kaiser moustaches with turned up ends. This gave them an unmistakeable similarity with the German Emperor Wilhelm II – hence their common name. The scientific name Saguinus imperator (imperator – Latin for emperor, ruler) was originally thought of as a joke, but was kept in the end.
European Endangered species Program
This animal is managed by the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA) under the European Endangered species Program.
today's feeding / commenting
11:30 AM
Classification | Order: primates; family: callitrichids; one of two subspecies |
Diet | Omnivore: predominantly fruits, flowers, berries, nuts and seeds; additionally invertebrates, eggs and small vertebrates |
Habitat | Lower and middle storeys of primary and secondary tropical rainforests and scrublands |
Reproduction | Sexually mature at 16–20 months; gestation period: 140–145 days; usually 1–2 offspring, fed by the mother for 2–3 months |
Status according to Red List
More information you will get on the web page of the IUCN Red List.