Did you know?

This species is confined to a small area close to Rio de Janeiro. As vast areas of their habitat were deforested and they used to be kept as popular pets, the species was thought to be near to extinction. Due to conservation measures their numbers have stabilised, but the remaining individuals are found in several fragmented pockets of forest, meaning that genetic exchange is very limited. The species is therefore classified as „endangered“. Status according to red list: Endangered

European Endangered species Program

This animal is managed by the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA) under the European Endangered species Program.

Logo European Endangered species Program


ClassificationOrder: primates; family: callitrichids
DietOmnivore: predominantly fruits, berries, nuts, shoots and buds, invertebrates, small vertebrates, eggs and tree sap
HabitatTropical rainforest
ReproductionSexually mature at 18 months; gestation period: 130–135 days; usually 2 offspring

Status according to Red List

More information you will get on the web page of the IUCN Red List.

Verbreitung Goldgelber Löwenaffe